How To Quantum Jump Into Your Best Life
This is your 3-step cheat code to living your best life. If you can master these concepts it will literally super-charge your world.
This information may well be the missing piece of your “manifestation” puzzle.
What does it mean to quantum leap/jump?
To move from one state to another or move from one reality to another - it’s a quick '“level up” in your life.
I like to call quantum jumping; ‘Parallel Remembrance’ - Quantum Physics studies show that many realities exist at the same time. It can seem like a far-fetched concept yet we have infinite different versions of ourselves existing simultaneously, they are all vibrating at different frequencies. Every time we make a decision another version of that decision also exists. Whilst, you are not the person who made the other decision, you can become that person if you jump into that parallel timeline.
This implies that your future self already exists. Therefore you don’t actually need to “create” your dream-self, you just need to step into another version of yourself - meet your other self where “they” are at.
Now you know your desired reality exists, you simply need to change your frequency to match the frequency or your desired reality. Let’s consider comparing this concept of changing your frequency to the example of tuning into your favourite radio station - you wouldn’t tune into 91.8 if you wanted to listen to 97.4 - would you?
The disclaimer with quantum jumping is that from a spiritual perspective you must be leaving the current reality with love, not with rejection of your current self or current life. The aim is to continually grow (to evolve). Therefore, if your purpose is for the highest good of all, then continue with your quantum jumping.
PART ONE – How to change your frequency
What determines your frequency are your thoughts and subconscious beliefs because these make us feel certain ways and it is the feelings that are the frequency. It is the thoughts that create the feelings. Everything is energy. Every different thought has a different vibrational frequency and therefore the thoughts & beliefs determine how you feel and what your frequency is.
The tricky part about this is that quite often it is a dominant subconscious frequency that we’re not 100% aware of – this is why I use muscle testing with my clients to recognise what’s going on at our subconscious level and then use Energy Psychology to transcend those limiting subconscious beliefs which are not an alignment with your dream reality.
PART TWO – Take aligned action
We must co-create with the Universe by taking aligned action. Inspired action is aligned action as opposed to forced ideas from the human ego.
This is often the missing piece of peoples manifestation experiences .
It’s not about feeling you’re living in Paris and then snap with a click of a finger you were there.
It’s about coming into the frequency of you as the person living in Paris (for sake of example). You do have to feel into the new life and then when you are vibrating that new frequency you will receive inspired spontaneous ideas and intuitive hits - these are guiding you to take the next action step.
WE MUST BE PATIENT - Unfortunately what often happens is humans align themselves and before they have waited for the inspired intuitive messages they start using their head to try and create a plan to get what they want. This ends up causing more resistance and more blocks as they try too hard to get what they want and this “efforting” lowers their frequency in doing so.
Do not try to plan with your head. Simply get into alignment and follow the intuition, inspiring thoughts, random desires, creative ideas. When you’re being in the frequency you just suddenly encode and pick up this information.
Many people fall into how, how, how yet it’s actually all about the why, why, why. Meaning what is the feeling you think you’re going to get by having your desired life.
When you are familiar with the feeling and align with the feeling, your frequency is radiating that feeling you are then in a position to use your brain as the receiver for that particular desire. Your brain is the receiver not the creator. The answers exist in the cosmic field. You have to tune in like a radio to pick up the information with the steps on how to get what you want.
Therefore, to repeat: the feelings have to come first.
Eventually the “how” will come to you. You have to keep being intentional and focus intentionally to maintain the frequency - until it becomes second nature to you. Obviously you can speed this up by reprogramming your subconscious mind. Because we humans can get lazy habits and fall off the wagon, it is important to be consciously intentional every single day.
Your reality changes because your perception of life is different. Your energy flows where focus goes. What you focus on becomes more of your reality.
You can go from; feeling in love to meeting your lover
Go from; feeling rich and abundant to having lots of money
But the big factor is….
First you have to get clear on what you want. And many people don’t even know what they want.
That’s why I help all my clients refine their desires.
And then set feeling intentions that are heart-based, not ego based. This way we can discover the feeling and match your personal frequency.
After all, how can you change your frequency if you don’t know what you want ?
It’s important to go deeper. Think about your internal world not the external things that you want. This way you will be more aligned with your soul not your ego. This means you’ll be more fulfilled with your new reality. The ego can seem like short-term gratification, you can manifest anything you choose to BUT nothing is enjoyable if you’re not genuinely happy & fulfilled too.
To help you step into your up-levelled version of yourself.
Ask yourself…
The version of you has everything all you want living in another timeline so how do you feel now ?
What do you think believe as this new version of yourself ?
What are the stories you tell yourself ?
What do you believe ?
What thoughts do you choose to believe and have on a day-to-day basis ?
Stay focused on feeling and frequency.
Now …….
PART THREE - Normalise it
You have to make your desired life feel familiar before you can have it.
For example: flying first class or having a nice man rather than a dickhead or earning $10,000 - how can this feel normal to you?
Make this feel normal and ordinary almost like you take it for granted as if it’s no big deal. Just like jumping in the shower every day, we take it for granted, until we’ve been tramping for three weeks without shower and suddenly it’s a big deal to have the shower. We want to have that feeling of expectation without “expectation”, it just is.
Visualise it. Use your imagination over and over again because our subconscious mind just doesn’t know what is real versus what is imagined.
Consider watching a scary movie. Even though your conscious mind knows it’s not real, your subconscious mind still flinches at the scary part of the movie. You can get your conscious and subconscious beliefs on the same page using Soulalign Therapy and/or Psych-K.
At first when you think about your new life, imagining it in your mind you might get emotional or an anxious or fearful or excited however eventually when it’s “normal” or “familiar” you will feel calm and peaceful.
We need to change our point of reference. Surround yourself with people in places that align with this new life. No rebirth happens without a death. You may have to let go of people, places, things and habits if you really want to embody this up-levelled version of you.
Even quantum physics say nothing is really real until we observe it. It is our perception that creates our reality.
Live as if you are already living this life, and observe it. Watch relevant content, connect with relevant people or like-minded people. For example; we could consider this Higher Purpose Portal as a group of superconscious spiritual multi-millionaire entrepreneurs - let’s hang out together? You can say “I am a superconscious, spiritual, multimillionaire entrepreneur.” Make it true for you!
Focus on what you want what you don’t want .
Think of an animal now but don’t think of a pink elephant – whoops! See how easy it is to focus on what is not what you want to focus on.
Can you believe deep down that your dreams are possible for you?
If you are in the frequency but don’t take an action then you have an obstacle and a block in your progress .
To quantum jump you need to relax and have fun with it - get into the frequency and feeling of your desires.
Let’s talk about what is aligned action !?
If you’re really broke and freaking out about paying rent… you may be too stressed to trust the Universe.
A distrust in God or source itself at the core because you’ve been taught to think that separate from you and if you think it’s separate to you and then someone in charge saying yes or no it blocks the flow of you receiving abundance and having a good relationship with yourself .
I help people to transcend the blocks holding them back from quantum leaping, then they more easily align with their best life – the life they were born to live.
After all that…
What is ABUNDANCE to you. The real definition is “to have everything you need when you need it.”
BUT hey do not be disheartened, you can also consciously create your millions is that is really what you truly, truly desire – the key point about this is not everyone actually cares to be a millionaire….
Contact Fiona to chat about how you can calibrate your frequency to YOUR BEST LIFE!