Gain CLARITY on your life purpose & DESIGN your soulful business blueprint

The Easy Way To FINALLY Get Your Soul-Aligned Business Designed & Launched in The Next 30 Days (Even If You Have No Idea What Your Soul’s Purpose Is!)

  • Discover who you are at your core, developing confidence with what you naturally offer this world. 

  • Use my 5-part formula to refine a unique core business message, creating a solid foundation to start your soul-activated business.

  • Gain clarity and expand the specific details of your newfound core business concept.

  • Refine your target market with a specific avatar and create soulful promotional content with effective communication.

  • Reveal your unique brand vibe that speaks clearly to your customers.

  • Boost or begin a fresh social media presence that embraces a soulful promotional strategy; building connection & trust, and encouraging customers to buy from you.

  • Create your first ideal offer and start gaining traction in your new soul-activated biz.

  • Release fear and limiting beliefs about being seen and putting your unique gifts into the world so you can finally launch your business and make money! (Using proven Energy Psychology methods)

  • Learn how to trust the process and allow your soul-aligned business to unfold easily and gracefully.

  • Ask questions and gain clarity on your next direction.

  • Eliminate overwhelm and move forward with increased confidence in your new business.

Imagine thisit’s 30 days from now and you pop open a bottle of champagne.

You did it. You committed, you believed in yourself & you are officially in business - a meaningful one at that.

You’ve stepped into the happy world of a small % of the population that actually combine heart & hustle.

You know your gifts are about to go out into the world and make a difference.

You know your offers are about to impact people for good.

You know this soul-activated biz will help position you as an authority in your industry.

You know this soul-activated biz can bring you loads of new opportunities, abundance and success.

You know that you have just created the one product that has stood the test of time - a genuine gift from your heart.

It's the greatest feeling in the world.

I know this
I’ve lived it.


I’m Fiona McLeod.

I’ve worked for myself for
exactly 30 years as at 2024
and owned four different
businesses, all of which I’ve
been deeply
passionate about.

I’ve helped hundreds of people
overcome limiting beliefs
and find their best life direction.

I’m an intuitive Tarot Card Reader,
Energy Psychologist & Spiritual Teacher.

Here’s what previous clients have to say….

 “I first came across Fiona with her Tuesday Q & A's. I have been to a few clairvoyants before, but Fiona was the first that I could tell was on track with me. I felt like she actually knew who I was. After some time I had a one-on-one session with Fiona where she helped me find the root cause and original situations that caused some subconscious blocks. She also helped me with ideas for my business, with wording etc.

I have also taken part In a couple of Fiona's consulting classes, which again was full of knowledge that helped me in growing as a person and for my business, as well as opening up my mind further .

Thank you Fiona!! I'm saving for another one on one!!!

Mel R xx - Mount Maunganui, NZ

"Fiona, I just wanted to say, I find your delivery clear, direct, honest and unpretentious. Something often missing in many online courses and sadly with many session givers. Your willingness to bring humour into sessions makes the process lighter and more effective. The Psych-K approach is the most targeted, rapid and effective that I have encountered in nearly 40 years working and participating in the therapy and growth field."

Keerti Dalley (Body Worker/Psychotherapist), NZ

“Having lost my wife to cancer a couple of years ago when she was just 44 years old. I had reached a stage where I was sick of 'treading water’ and ready to find out who i really am and what i really want going forward. I had no idea how to go about doing that. Somehow I came across Fiona’s website and started doing some 1:1 sessions with her. Now I’m well on the way to a big re-launch of life! It’s going to be a fantastic ride! Thanks Fiona!”

Craig W - Tauranga. NZ

“I’m all about personal growth so I love connecting with like-minded souls that want to reach their highest potential, make a positive impact by sharing, caring and supporting in this journey of life and make a difference.

Being part of a conscious community with Fiona’s positively fun and clear direction allows the space to share, contribute and unlock the secrets to our best life possible. 

So many gems and I love being part of her community!

Thank you for your wonderfulness Fiona x”

Michelle B - Papamoa, NZ

“These sessions completely changed how I view things personally and professionally.

They have allowed me to shift my thinking into positive thoughts which in turn has reduced my worry/stress about situations and instead become thoughts that bring a sense of self belief and confidence.

Since seeing Fiona, I am seeing a better flow in my business.

Highly rate these experiences ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️”

Lea S - Papamoa, NZ

And what I can tell you is that the process of designing & launching your soul-activated business is much quicker than you think…

BUT only if you know exactly what to do and have the right support to get you there.

You see, when so many of my clients had thought about starting their gig, they had hummed and ha-ed about it for months, sometimes years! Then they focused on the “wrong” things first and wasted so much precious time and energy and often had to re-do what they had slaved away for hours.

I myself, have made a few (so-called) wrong decisions, yet also a heck of a lot of powerful life-changing decisions. Being an intuitive (a strong sixth sense) has helped me beyond explanation - and I know this is what my clients are drawn to as well. It saves so much time being about to connect to the cosmos for the answers.

BONUS FOR YOU: Through this process; you’ll have the opportunity to connect with me in person too!

I lay out exactly what you need to do and I give you all the encouragement and support to get your soul-aligned biz alive and kicking.

Why am I offering this?

Well, funnily enough, it was my clients who called out for this Soul-Activated Biz Blueprint program!

An obvious sign for me from the Universe!

You see, more and more clients were coming to me to talk about their business, so my therapy/guidance biz was turning into Spiritual Business Coaching - it was unfolding effortlessly, as any soul-aligned process will. So I started teaching people how to write their own Soul-Activated Business Blueprint, setting them up from the core level - a strong foundation to last the test of time and their results were just as impressive!

However, I noticed a difference between the people I worked closely with and held accountable VERSUS those I only taught the strategy to, without having anyone making sure they got things done.

The people who I had held accountable gained traction in record time, quickly pivoting to a new focus in an existing business OR stepping forward into an entirely new inspiration that was revealed using my clever foolproof formulas.

However, the people without the accountability spun their wheels, got stuck in overthinking, and overwhelm and gave up after starting and stopping dozens of times.

I knew my process worked, but they weren’t working the process. They were getting in their own way.

That’s why I’ve decided to create a brand new way to guarantee that every ambitious soul can shine their light on the world within 30 days, even if they’ve tried and failed before.


The 30 Day Soul-Activated Biz Blueprint Challenge: The Easy Way To Design Your Unique Soul-Aligned Business Blueprint (even if you have no idea what your soul’s purpose is yet!)

So how does this work?

Doors open 5 November 2024

💫 30 Days Of Step-By-Step Action plans

💫 Exactly what you need to do every single day of the 30 days (emailed to you daily so you never miss a beat)

💫 No confusion ever. Just the exact plan that you need to take.

💫 Support & Accountability so you do the work!

💫The Secret Ingredient that guarantees you’ll get excited about your new life purpose in 30 days (I’ve NEVER seen this fail when I’ve used it with a client).

Allow me be completely transparent with you…

I’m going to do something almost unheard of with most 30-day challenges. I’m going LIVE throughout the 30-day challenge to MAKE SURE you get your blueprint written.

I want your challenge experience to answer ALL of your questions and allow you to be rock solid and clear for your next step and your future customers needs.

In addition, you will have DAILY assignments sent to you via email so you know EXACTLY what to work on each day (ZERO confusion).

When you go through this round of the challenge with me, you’re going to get all of your questions answered LIVE and receive a level of accountability and support that future classes won’t get.

PLUS, for this round of challenge participants, I’m going to hook you up with a ridiculous no-brainer special price. This way I can get as many people as possible to go through the challenge to make sure all sort’s questions are answered, for future reference!

Here’s the thing. If I were to coach you through this process one-on-one for 30 days it would be well over $1200. Straight up. Clients pay a minimum of $300 per hour to work with me directly.

But I’m not charging you that.

When I release this for future classes it will be $1000+, which is still an INSANELY good deal.

$1000 to guarantee your business blueprint is created and launched? “YES PLEASE!”

Even that would be a no-brainer, I have an even better deal for you!

I’ll help you refine your path, and discover ways to clear any resistance & other blocks, as well as show you how to better navigate your way forward.”

How much has it cost you so far NOT living and working aligned with your soul’s purpose?

I can guarantee that not living and working aligned with your soul’s purpose has already cost you over $10,000 in dissatisfaction and frustration - missing out on abundance, success and other fulfilling opportunities.

But I’m not going to charge you that.

In fact, I'm not even going to charge you half of that!

Right now, the standard investment is NORMALLY ONLY $497.

Yup, that’s right, for a teeny, tiny fraction of what you'll make from your
Soul-Activated Business, you can have it up and running in 30 days.

Or put another way, that's only $17 a day to NEXT LEVEL YOUR LIFE!

Isn't your personal happiness worth at least as much as a cheap lunch?

Obviously, it is.

However, it gets better.

I want to make it a no-brainer to get started your soulful business.

Because you're here to do amazing things.

You're here to share your message with the world.

You're here to make a difference.

You're here to create something that MATTERS.

Now's your time.

That's why this week you can get started with the 30-Day Soul-Activated Blueprint Challenge for only NZD $99

(that’s only approx $60 USD)

Okey dokey. No more talking about it.

Let's do this together.

Doors open 5 November 2024


 ONLY NZD $99!!!


“Create a soul-activated business allows you to live with magnificent meaning & deeper purpose.


💫 Daily tasks sent via email - in video & PDF format

💫 Opportunities to join LIVE support group facilitation

💫 Discount on private 1:1 services with Fiona (book within your 30-day timeframe)

💫 Email support during your 30 days

~ Join the Soul-Activated Biz Blueprint Challenge ~ Join the Soul-Activated Biz Blueprint Challenge

~ Join the Soul-Activated Biz Blueprint Challenge ~ Join the Soul-Activated Biz Blueprint Challenge